Edge-To-Edge Request


Step 1. Browse Edge-To-Edge Patterns:

Step 2. Select Pattern & Complete Request Form

Step 3. Choose A Backing Option

• Quilt backing MUST be 5-6 inches bigger than quilt top on ALL sides.
• Backing must be pieced and ready to load. No exceptions. For example, if your quilt top measures 60″ x 60″, then your backing needs to be a minimum of 70″ x 70.”
• Quilt and backing MUST be pressed well, free of holes, loose threads and squared up. Do not leave uneven edges or piecing. • Tucks and puckers will not “quilt out.” Stay stitch around quilt if you have seams or pieced borders.
• 80/20 cotton/poly from Quilter’s Dream Batting and Hobbs.
• High quality threads from Superior, Fil-Tec and Innovatech. We will choose a thread that blends best with your quilt top. Top and bobbin threads will match/blend.
• Customer will mail pieced backing along with quilt top.
• All backing options will be invoiced separately.

Step 4. Ship Or Deliver Your Quilt To Us

Step 5. Give Us Return Instructions

Step 6. Add A Comment If Needed


You are trusting in our best judgement, and trusting us that we will do the best we can. Sometimes things occur that we cannot control. Occasionally, some computerized quilt designs require each row to line up with the previously stitched row. We do our best to make sure all the points match up. Occasionally, due to circumstances beyond our control, they may not match up perfectly. By sending your quilt to us, you acknowledge that this is the case. We are not responsible for expectations beyond our control. Additionally, I grant The Quilted Pineapple permission to photograph my completed quilt for display on the Portfolio gallery and/or blog portions of the website. Permission includes use of my name, the quilt’s name, and the quilting design name. Completion time will vary. By submitting this order, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Terms. I will be taken to PayPal to complete payment of my order.

The deposit fee for all edge-to-edge projects is $10.00 non-refundable. Once we receive this request we will contact you with timeline and shipping details.

Edge-To-Edge Services FAQs

• Please do not reserve your spot until you are ready to ship.
• Edge to edge computerized quilting only.
• Quilt backing MUST be 5-6 inches bigger than quilt top on ALL sides. No exceptions.
• For example if your quilt top measures 60″ x 60″, then your backing needs to be a minimum of 70″ x 70″.
• Quilt and backing MUST be pressed well, free of holes, loose threads and squared up. Do not leave uneven edges or piecing.
• Tucks and puckers will not “quilt out”.
• Stay stitch around quilt if you have seams or pieced borders.
• 80/20 cotton/poly from Quilter’s Dream Batting and Hobbs
• High quality threads from Superior, Fil-Tec and Innovatech. We will choose a thread that blends best with your quilt top. Top and bobbin threads will match/blend.
• $50 minimum quilt charge. $65 for dense quilting.
• Cost per square inch is 2.95¢ ($0.0295). INCLUDES batting and FREE return shipping! All-in-0ne price! No additional or hidden charges for batting and shipping.
• You are responsible for shipping costs to us.
• Once your order has been placed, you will receive an email with details, including where to ship your top and backing.

Review Order & Submit:

Step 1. Browse Edge-To-Edge Patterns: