I have some more fun show and tell in the form of client quilts. This was also a quilt pieced by my client, Mary.

Another gorgeous scrap quilt!! Again, Mary did a wonderful job! And again, I wanted to keep it! LOL! This will be a gift for Mary’s niece, Anna. We decided a nice allover design in the body of the quilt with a simple border treatment would be appropriate.

I chose an allover swirl and a loop design in the border, which I think worked out perfectly! I chalked some lines in the border to keep the loops pretty evenly spaced. Then, I had a lot of fun quilting!

The back. I love to see all the texture from the quilting.



Mary was very happy and thought her niece will enjoy the quilt for years to come! Makes me a happy camper too!
I received a very thoughtful note and gift in the mail yesterday from a fellow blogging friend, Cathy of Big Lake Quilter.

Cathy wrote the sweetest, personalized card AND she made this cute little bag. How sweet is that??? It”ll be the perfect bag to hold my business cards in my purse!! She did a wonderful job making it. It is lined and has a velcro closure! I love it!!! Thank you so much, Cathy! Wow, I feel very fortunate to receive such a thoughtful present. I’ll treasure it always!