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Long time no blog post.  It is middle of September already!!  The girls have started 6th grade!!  Hard to believe!  The dance season has also started again…hopefully that means I will have some time for wool applique.  My horrendous cold is still lingering.  Can you believe that??  Ridiculous.  I am thinking nothing that a warm weather vacation would not cure…I wish.  I am thinking a little stay-cation is in order pretty soon, though. πŸ™‚

I still need to do a post on my Grand Rapids AQS Show adventures.  That was going to be the subject of this post, but I changed my mind at the last minute.  I thought taking a little time for some piecing might help cure my cold as well so….let me introduce Haunted Little Houses.

 I changed up the pattern Full House Schnibbles by Carrie Nelson available here to make a cute fall/Halloween table runner!! 

It is a nice size.  It measures about 19″x53″.  I think when I started out, it was not going to be that big.  Well, you know me and super sizing Schnibbles…go big or go home is my motto!! πŸ™‚  I love the size, though.  Perfect for the kitchen island.  I used a couple of charm packs of Trick or Treat by Deb Strain for Moda and the sashing/border fabric is from Primitive Muslins by Primitive Gatherings for Moda available here.  My all time favorite background fabric!!  I am thinking once I quilt it, it will probably be getting a tan Rit Dye bath.  Just to take the edge off the brightness of the fabric.  I will post step-by-step directions if I do.

I am just starting to decorate for the season.  Don’t you love the candy corn as fillers??  An idea I snagged off of Pinterest.  LOVE Pinterest!!!  Of course I had to buy extra candy…Alyssa thinks there is a new candy dish in the house. πŸ™‚

I know many of you have probably already read Lisa Bongean’s latest blog post here.  “Our” quilt (here) did not make the cover of Fons and Porter Love of Quilting.  Yes, I am bummed.  We hoped that since they waited until the holiday issue to publish the quilt, that we had a real chance for the cover.  Please do not confuse my disappoint with not being over-the-moon excited about having a quilt that I quilted in a magazine because that is not the case.  BUT we are human too, I think it is only natural that we would feel this way.  πŸ™‚

Hopefully, I can quilt Haunted Little Houses soon!! πŸ™‚