I was able to get quite a bit accomplished the past two weeks on “Hop To It” during my Wooly Wenesday nights. I finished up Block 8 – “Lily Dreams.”
I love the rich color of the purple wool on this one! With orange in the center, it makes for a nice contrast against the muted background. I also finished up Block 9 – “Garden Grace.”
Oh and I love the rich colors in this block too. Seems I love all the blocks in this quilt!! 🙂
TWO blocks in one week, it’s a record. I even started stitching around Block 10. Not sure if I’ll get the last three done before I go on my retreat next Thursday, but it’ll be close. I have a very busy week before I leave. I’m not going to worry if I don’t get them all stitched up before, I can always relax work on it while I’m there.
All this hand sewing has really taken a toll on my finger tips. Unfortunately, I just can’t get used to a thimble. Does anyone have any good suggestions??
Today is the big day! I have my eye appointment to get fitted for my glasses this morning. I’m so excited! I may see things I’ve never seen before! How cool. Hopefully, everything will go well. Fingers crossed!