My first top finished for 2011!! 🙂 January’s Le Petite project…

“Mon Ami” Schnibbles designed by Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co. I love it!! Carol of Brown Quilts was kind enough to send me the pattern because she had an extra! Thanks Carol! The fabric collection I used is Le Petite Ecole by French General. I so love this fabric!! I’m actually going to make a big quilt from the same fabric very soon! I am becoming a huge fan groupie of French General fabric and this particular collection is no exception! This is Scott’s favorite Le Petite so far. I too love it…now that it’s done! LOL! The never ending HSTs almost put me over the edge!

Nearly 300 HSTs waiting to be squared up.

Finally, after hours of trimming, ready for piecing. What a relief!!
AND I have a little surprise….look what’s loaded on Annie….almost completely quilted…

I was hoping to get it all quilted today, but just not enough time. I just have the borders left to quilt!! Not sure if I’ll continue the same motif in a different thread or try something else. It’s definitely not going to win any ribbons, but it’s a HUGE victory for me! I’m so glad I finally took the plunge. Scott of course wanted me to test my new skills on a different quilt! LOL! Quilting on a real quilt is completely different than on muslin!! Completely different. It even sounds different. Going over the gazillion seams was a whole new experience too. I will always treasure this quilt. I can’t believe it…my first real quilt…quilted on Annie!!
Thanks everyone for all the wonderful comments regarding my new specs! You are all too sweet!! Blogging buddies are the best!! A couple of you left really nice comments that I would love to reply to, but your Blogger profile does not have an email. If you change the settings, I’d love to reply to you!
I’m off today to Jamie’s studio for a personal quilt lesson!! I can’t wait! He says it’s going to be an intense day of learning for me. “GOOD,” is what I say! I’ll take whatever I can learn from him! I’m supposed to go Wednesday too, but we are bracing for a big winter storm, so Wednesday, I’m sure will need to be rescheduled. I’m so tired of winter!!!
Make sure you stop by Sinta’s or Sherri’s blog to see the parade of Le Petite quilts. They should have them posted soon.