Thank you for all the nice comments on my last post regarding Door County Cherry Baskets!!! I blushed every time I read them!! I tried to respond to all the comments, but there were several of you that were No-Reply commenters. Meaning I have no way to email you back. Some of you even asked questions that were no-repliers. If you did not hear from me, that is probably the reason…or I apologize if I may have missed you.
The girls are home from school today. My MIL came to our home of our annual tradition of making Pierogi! Yummy and messy, but they are done so we can enjoy them on Fridays!! Now I am off to take the girls to dance and to see the accountant. I wish I could just quilt and not deal with the business side of things…some day maybe. π BUT before I go, I have another wonderful quilt to share…Pine Tree Ridge designed by Jan Patek. This GORGEOUS version is the BOM offered by Primitive Gatherings here. Trust me the photos on PG website do not do this quilt justice. Photos never do, but when I first got the quilt, I didn’t even realize it was the same quilt!! I am so tempted to sign up now while there is still spots open because I LOVE this quilt!! I am not a blue person, so that is really saying a lot! I had a lot of fun with the quilting. Again, I will let all the photos do the talking…

The quilt is wool applique on cotton.

Upside down. π I took photos of most of the blocks…I think, so I will just work by way down the quilt with the photos. I don’t want to skimp on showing you all the quilting details. π Starting with the top corner…

Lots of fun feathers.

I LOVE the angel. I had to quilt her a pretty dress. π

I used the fabric as a guideline for the quilting.

Some of the blocks were big, making them really cool!!

This house block was a favorite. I quilted a clapboard roof and cobblestone chimney.

Lots of detail quilting.

Teeny, tiny feathers…love them. I put a pin on there, so you could have reference of their size.

Smoke coming out of the chimney.

I loved all the quilting on the back, but had a terrible time capturing it because the lighting was not ideal.

Specifics…Dream Blend batting. I don’t believe I used any special rulers but my straight ruler. All the quilting is freehand. Thread…yikes…17 different threads!!1

I know…it is the detail demon in me coming out. π
I am going through my photos of DCCB, hopefully I can come up with a quilt process post. My photos are not very tutorial friendly after looking at them.
Hope everyone has a great day!