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Have I been on vacation??  Nope!  As of yesterday, my machine is BACK!!!!  Woo-hoo!!!!  Spent 10 hours with my dear friend Jamie Wallen here and she’s back!!!  It was crazy yesterday!!!  Having A-1 on the speaker phone, new parts, timing and RE-TIMING my machine, laughter through frustrations AND tons of good stories. That is a whole lot of time together…thank goodness we are such good friends!!!

I have so much I want to share, I just do not know where to begin.  I learned quilting is in my soul.  I always thought I could walk away from it tomorrow if I ever wanted, but not being on my machine for two weeks was difficult.  I longed for it.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed my “free” time….I use that term loosely because I kept myself more than busy. πŸ™‚  My time away cemented that I LOVE quilting,  BUT I need to make sure I have balance too.  I tend to loose sight of that. πŸ™‚

I enjoy this time of year so much.  Kicks off with Memorial Day Weekend.  It is so nice to have a day of reflection and to thank those that Serve our Country past and present.  My love for The Red, White and Blue spills over into…allover my house too. πŸ™‚  Thought I would share a little of that with all of you.

 A nice patriotic greeting on the front porch.  My friend Patti and I were discussing how nice a quilt would look above the bench.  I thought ” I HAVE the perfect quilt already!!”  That quilt might look familiar to those that have been following me for a while.  It is not the same one as the one here.   I made the original and then made another right after!!!  LOL!!!  I had the binding on, but never finished.   It was a buried treasure in my stash.

 Scooter always thinks there is something for him under my quilts!! LOL!  ADDED:  The School house quilt is called “Good Morning America” Wall Quilt.  It is from the book Stars and Stripes Sampler by Liz Porter and Marianne Fons. 

Speck Little Bites by Carrie Nelson with mostly Old Glory fabric.  Pieced and Quilted last year but again JUST finished the binding.

I love to decorate with little quilts too!

Little Red from a book by Lisa Bongean and Carole Charles.  Available here.

 There is the twin to the quilt on the front porch!  You can see I have the binding on my mini tumbler quilt too. πŸ™‚  Lots of bindings being finished!!

Hmmm, no quilts on the entertainment center.

Quilts, table runners and accents.

I think you all get the idea!!!  πŸ™‚