I would like to give a big thank you to Cathy of Big Lake Quilter for honoring me with The Versatile Blogger Award!! Thanks Cathy!!
There are a few rules when receiving this award:
Thank the person that gave you this award and link back to them.
Pass along the award to other newly discovered blogging pals.
Tell 7 things about yourself that others may not know about you. Why 7??? I have no idea, but here goes…It’s really hard to think of 7 things when you are on the spot! LOL!
1. My all time favorite food is the donut!! I’ve never met a donut I didn’t like! I swear I could eat a dozen!! All I can say is that it’s a good thing I never worked at a bakery!! Whenever I go on vacation or visit some place, I usually have to try the local bakery.
Clearly it runs in the family.
2. I love the South. I hope to one day live there. I’m pretty sure I’m a Southern Belle at heart. Our favorite place to vacation is Tennessee. Although Hawaii runs a close second. π
Along the river in Gatlinburg, TN.
3. I’m not a morning person. No pic needed.
4. I love to garden! Vegetable and flower gardening. I get a little obsessed about weeding. I do it every morning in the summer. Actually, Scott plants the garden and I maintain it.
Our very first garden.
5. I ran my first 5K last summer with my sister, Kristin. She talked me into doing it and we ran it together. It was a great experience and sense of accomplishment because the only running I had ever done was running around the house when the girls were babies!!
6. I don’t like winter or the snow, but you may have kind of guessed that. My neighbors say that I hibernate from Dec. until March because they never see me!
7. I started loving Country Music about 7 years ago. I’m a huge Keith Urban fan!!! HUGE!! I see him in concert every year! This summer I’m going twice! I can’t wait. Kristin is usually my partner in crime. A few years ago when we went, I was tossed a drumstick!! Good times.
Now there’s my 7 things. Now I will pass along this little award…
Stephanie – Peas In a Pod
Desley – Addicted To Quilts
Michele – Island Life Quilts
Kathy – Tamarack Shack
Donna – Sugar, Spice & Southern Life
Joan – Joan at Leschenault
Yay! Congrats!
Fun reading about you, we have some things in common.
I like to weed, find it relaxing, lol. I used to like donuts, too much, now I can't eat them which is good;)
Congrats for getting the award and thanks for passing it along to me!!
Enjoyed reading about you (I love country music too!).
Congratulations on your first 5K… what a great accomplishment! If you ever want to visit the South…
*waving from NC*
Congrats on your award, Linda! Mmm donuts…..I used to live in the South, I don't miss the heat or the bugs. I can live through winter [barely], but I can't live with so many bugs!
What fun Linda! I loved learning more about you π So fun π Thanks so much for passing one along to me!
Congrats Sis!! I loved this post, even though ever picture of me was super sweet! π xoxoxo
I knew you were a Southern Belle at heart π I wished you did live close to me! We actually have so many things in common!
Thank you for the award!
Good for you for winning that award! Had fun reading your 7 things.