So yes, I am still a little MIA from Blogland. I just need to concentrate on quilting for a little longer to make some upcoming deadlines, then you should see me a little more….hopefully. 🙂 I thought I would share how I decorated with my goodies that I brought home recently. While I love primitives, I don’t like a cluttered look. Nor do I like a “dark” look. I love antiques. I would pick an antique over a piece of reproduction furniture that has been painted to look old given the choice. Not always, but most of the time. I’ll start with the kitchen. I wanted to change out my roosters that were above my cabinets. I was accumulating a few too many and they were looking a little too cutesy for me.
The basket and scale were the “new” purchases from my goodies. The crocks and others were all from my stash. I love when I can find buried treasures in my home. Just like shopping our stash for quilting!!! I have not decided on the coffee grinder yet…he might not have a permanent residence there. Hmmm???
I love how the new look compares to the way it was. Of course I didn’t take a before photo, but I found one so you get the idea.
Please pay no attention to Kristin and I looking our finest while making pierogi and notice the roosters on top of the cabinets. Big improvement!! I haven’t totally done away with the roosters. There are still a few sprinkled around.
I’m still undecided if I will keep the roosters there or not. I just could not get a very good pic with everything all together.
Moving on…I added the decorative balls to the basket of fabric ones I already had.
Sweet little chick…
The rest of the photos are either some Easter decor pics or other new little decor additions.
Carrot tree
A nice new welcome for guests at the front door! Sorry for the photo overload. 🙂 Hope everyone has a great weekend!