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Is it Spring yet??  One day it’s like a beautiful summer day here and then the next day…not so much.  I am really looking forward to warmer weather!!  I’ve been getting more Easter decor out, which really makes me long for warm sunny days.

The girls love any holiday decor.  I swear they rearrange these little Easter ornaments every morning.  🙂

I don’t go overboard on the decorations, but always have a few carrots and bunnies around the house.

Twin bunnies remind me of some other little twins I know.  🙂

I always make room for a few little feathery chicks too. Actually, I think they are ducks as Terry mentioned in her comment! LOL!

Speaking of feathers, I’m practicing some feathers…again!  Can you say “obsessed, much?”  I’m getting ready to quilt a client’s quilt that I want to curl some feathers in the border.  I’ve been working on perfecting my backtracking because it’ll really show on the backing of this quilt.  I picked up some of the exact fabric while I was working at the quilt shop yesterday that is in this quilt border to practice on.  I wanted to make sure I could see the thread this time too!  LOL!

Yes, I can see the thread and what I’m quilting!!  Yipee!  That was more than half the battle on the 30s quilt.

The second photo is actually a better depiction of the color.  I know I can quilt the feathers, it’s just I’m still a little nervous, being a newbie and all.  I need to tell myself to relax, breathe and just QUILT IT!  Maybe I should have a little glass of wine before I start!!  LOL!  I’ll keep you posted…