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Honk. Honk.  Oh yeah that is the sound of me shamelessly tooting my own horn! LOL!!  Remember this quilt…

“Christmas Reel” quilt I quilted for Lisa Bongean that is appearing in Fons&Porter Love of Quilting.  I blogged about it here.  It will be in the Nov/Dec 2012 issue coming out in October.  Anyhooo, Lisa was recently featured in the latest issue of the magazine in the section called “Quilt With the Stars.”

Lisa is also featured in their video series,  Quilt With the Stars, which includes 3 videos consisting of interviews, a trunk show and awesome tips/help for working on wool projects.  You can find them online here..

I remember talking to Lisa last spring after she returned home from shooting the show and she mentioned that they showed the quilt.  Lisa didn’t really go into detail, but I thought “that’s really cool.”  I was just thrilled to find out which issue the quilt would be in.  Soooooooo, imagine my surprise when I start watching the first video and see the quilt hanging in the backdrop!!  It is a great video, with Mary Fons interviewing Lisa.  Lisa discusses how she got started.  Very interesting, but I could hardly concentrate because I was staring in wonderment at the quilt!! LOL!!  Now moving onto the second video in the series…my personal favorite…the trunk show.  Oh yes and there was “my” quilt front and center.  I could hardly stand myself!!!  They were going around the room and talking about all the gorgeous quilts and then finally they start talking about the quilt.  BUT wait… then they actually talk about the quilting AND me…Linda Hrcka.  I literally fell out of my chair!!!  No joke. I have only watched it like a dozen times.  LOL.  It’s still hard to believe.  Honestly, I get butterflies in my stomach every time. 🙂  I am blushing with gratitude.  Thanks LB.

Funny, my very first quilt was a Fons&Porter pattern.  The quilt hanging here.

The first quilt magazine I ever purchased was Fons&Porter Love of Quilting.  And now…I could shed a tear. 🙂