
I thought I would share a little tutorial on how I quilted the poinsettia motif in the corners of Christmas Stars.  Of course I didn’t think about taking step-by-step photos until I was quilting the bottom border. The tutorial is kind of upside down. 🙂 On the flip side, it will give you an accurate perspective of what it is like to quilt a motif on the opposite end of the quilt.

I have taken a purple air erasable marker and marked my quilting area.  The center of the corner and binding allowance.  This way I don’t quilt too far out on the edge of the quilt and I can line my template up with the corner line.

Here is my homemade template.  🙂  Nothing fancy.  I used one of my circle templates as a guide of how big my poinsettia should be.  Normally, I would draw or copy it onto card stock, but I was only using it 4 times and I needed it to be thin in this case.

Excuse my badly in need of a manicure nails. 🙂 No time for those things.  Fortunately on this quilt, the borders were in a light fabric.  I just slid my template in between the fabric and batting.  I lined up my center line on the template with the one drawn on the fabric.  Making sure my petals were just inside the lines drawn for the binding allowance.  If my borders had been dark…I would have two options…trace around my template from the top OR make one of my girls use a flashlight from under the quilt!!  The later works very well. 🙂  Just make sure you shut off the overhead light, so you can really see the lines of the template.

All traced on.  You can see on the one side I left space to slide the template in and out.  Now just stitch out the design.  Make sure to remove your template first. 🙂

I placed some pins on the side before I started stitching to keep the fabric from pulling in from the quilting.  My poinsettias are not perfect, but consistent.  I figure if one of them doesn’t look like a geranium, then I am doing okay. 🙂  They are freehand.  Next, I quilted the flower basket.  Again I used a make shift template as a guide and my curved ruler.  The ruler is my #8 QP Curve Template available here

Full set of the Original QP Curves and other templates I offer here. I use the drawing just as a guide to line up my ruler.

Those are my little reminders to make sure I put the ribbon swirls going in the right direction. 🙂  I find taking notes and photos very helpful tools.

All stitched out.  I quilted a basket weave design by quilting straight lines back and forth in every other diamond.  Simple, but gives the design even more dimension.  Next time I will take photos of me stitching the cross hatching out.  I will probably have to have one of my little helpers take those pics. 🙂


  • Abby and Stephanie says:

    Totally gorgeous. You have such a keen eye for details and great creativity.

  • West Michigan Quilter says:

    I love this tutorial and found it so helpful. I hope you will show us the entire quilt when it is off the frame. I notice you stitch across the bottom and sides of the quilt. Can you tell me more about that, how and why? Thanks.

  • Sue says:

    This is a great tutorial! I don't do much machine quilting (as that is a bit scary), but it was certainly nice to see how you did this!!

  • Archie the wonder dog says:


  • Desley says:

    Thank you for sharing. It is always interesting to see how other quilters work. I too take photos and write notes for myself.

  • tubilinha tiacarminha says:

    Lindo!Rolei e vi as penas lindas também,parabéns.beijo.

  • Anonymous says:

    That is just gorgeous. I just love it. I will have to try doing a stencil. I haven't done that yet. Do you have any trouble getting the air erasable pen off? What kind do you use?

  • Kathy Schwartz says:

    Thanks for posting this tutorial Linda! I have never thought of sliding a pattern under the fabric and tracing it that way, brilliant! 🙂

  • Teresa in Music City says:

    Ah wonderful! Thanks for sharing!!! It's always so helpful to see how someone else works this type of magic :*)

  • paulette says:

    WOW!! Thanks you for sharing your talent! Incredible!

  • Tina says:

    I always wondered HOW quilters did something like this! Thanks so much for posting this!
    P.S. Love how it looks – great, great job!

  • Missie of Traditional Primitives says:

    Thanks! I would have never thought to put the template under the fabice like that..

  • WoolenSails says:

    I can't wait to try some designs on my quilts. I got some books from the library, so I can have designs to try. I am not so exacting, I just trace it on with a rolling chalk pen and then make a mess, lol.


  • happydaysquilting says:

    Thank you for posting such a great tute, I love visiting your blog as your quilts are so beautiful!

  • Cathy says:

    Nice of you to share your technique. You make it sound easy but I'm sure it is not, especially the first time. But you have become so accomplished since you got your long arm machine.

  • Nancy E says:

    I love seeing how you do your quilting. Thanks so much sharing with us. It is so helpful to me because I do have a longarm, but just quilt for myself. Thanks again for be being so willing to share!

  • Mama Pea says:

    Great tutorial. Thanks a lot for showing the process. It's really helpful to me!

  • Karen says:

    Thank you for sharing your tutorial! I have a christmas quilt that I just might try this on.
    Thanks for all the inspiration.

  • Candace says:

    Great tutorial, Linda! It's so nice to know a few tips and tricks of the trade! Have your little helpers tried their hand with Annie yet? Haven't seen any photos of them for a while ;>)

  • Sharon says:

    Thank you for the tip about sliding the pattern under the fabric when it is already loaded. I never thought of that. Also congrats on having the green quilt highlighted on the show. I can only imagine how thrilled you must have been.

  • Lynette says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to create this tutorial for us. You have so many invaluable tips in here. I'm still laughing at the image of making your daughter hold a flashlight up from beneath – but what a great solution.

  • Mary says:

    Thank you so much. What a beautiful quilting job!!

  • IMAQLTR2 says:

    I have to admit, from the moment I first say this design in your photos I was studying it so carefully and trying to figure out your methods. So what a lovely surprise to see you actually did a tutorial for us all. Thank you for sharing! I watched Mary Fons program and loved seeing your quilt on display and then they talked about the quilting as well. Kudos to you!

  • Brandie says:

    You make it look so easy!

  • motherbuzzard says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your methods. I am a newbie and get so much out of seeing how this beautiful quilting is actually done. And I really love this quilt!

  • QuiltNut Creations says:

    Stunning. Thanx for sharing!

  • AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) says:

    Love this design as well as the quilt. I am just starting to machine quilt using "shortarm"version. Wish I was fortunate enough to own a long arm. Absolutely beautiful.

  • Sue Daurio says:

    Great tutorial. Love the idea of the template under the top and tracing, brilliant!