
Scott and the girls gave me this Santa last night.  He is the 2010 Eldreth Pottery Redware Santa.  I just love him!  Scott and the girls give me a Santa every year before Christmas, so we have time to enjoy him.  They chose to give him to me last night as a way to try and cheer me up.  So now I lovingly refer to him as “The Cheer Me Up Santa.”  I’ll get into why I needed cheering up last night in just a moment.  First I need to wish my baby sister Kristin a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Today is Kristin’s 23rd birthday!!  Kristin came home from the hospital right before Christmas when I was in the Seventh Grade.  That Christmas was my most cherished memory from my childhood.  I remember my parents sitting around the Christmas tree, fireplace burning and me holding Kristin in my arms.  I couldn’t have asked for a better present!

This is a well traveled (worn) photo of the two of us, but one of my favorites.  You can clearly see my naturally curly hair in this photo!!  Yikes!

So looks like I may have jinxed myself after all.  I said in yesterday’s post that Wooly Wednesday would be abbreviated.  If I would’ve known then what was in store for me last night, I would’ve said “NO Wooly Wednesday for me because I’ll be too busy on the phone.”  I received a call while driving the girls to dance from… after much confusion, a freight company.  The person on the line was doing a terrible job relaying info to me, so much so that I thought she had the wrong number.  Silly me thought she was talking about a package I have been expecting from Primitive Gatherings.  Not LOL, but it is kinda funny looking back.  She kept saying they were making some delivery next Wednesday.  Finally, I realized she was talking about my A-1, which is supposed be delivered Friday, like tomorrow.  I totally didn’t understand what was going on???  I told her it shipped Tuesday, why on Earth would it not arrive until NEXT Wednesday??  She had a million excuses, none of which made sense or should have been my problem.  Now for a little background info…I arranged this delivery date with A-1 some time ago.  (Right after A-1 received my check for the machine, paid in FULL, I might add)  It was a compromise between us.  I wanted the machine after Christmas and that didn’t work for them.  I cannot have it delivered the week of Christmas because our schedules won’t allow it.  It’s just WAY too busy next week.  I cannot take time off next week.  So A-1 and I settled on this Friday.  It’s still not ideal for Scott and I, but we had to make it happen.  We totally rearranged our lives to accommodate this delivery.  So now fast forward to my horrid conversation with Ms. Unhelpful freight company person yesterday…I ask her “What are my options because next Wednesday absolutely will not work?”  Her condescending answer to me was “I could refuse shipment.”  Really?  Are you kidding me?  If there was one time in my life that I could reach my small arm through the phone and wring the person’s neck I was speaking with… THIS was that time!

Realizing this person was no help to me, I hung up with her and called A-1 directly.  I always feel that “sugar” gets me a whole lot further, meaning I always try to be really nice even when I’m upset.  Well, initially A-1 wasn’t getting it either.  Honestly, I think they were just as confused as I was.   I told them “Could someone please figure out this mess and call me back?”  may have not used those exact words.  A-1 seemed pretty positive that I would get my machine Friday.  I know A-1 is working hard to resolve the issue.  They said there is no reason the machine should not be delivered on the agreed upon date.  They are supposed call me today to confirm.  We will see.

A next week delivery is impossible for me, but I know I wouldn’t have gotten so upset if the person I had spoken with initially hadn’t been soooo unhelpful.  I became so frustrated! Trust me this was shortened abbreviated version of the story.  I apologize for my rant. I’m chuckling a little about it now.  I’m not going to let it ruin my day like it did yesterday.  Today, Alyssa and Elaina are in their school Christmas program!  It’s their last elementary Christmas program because next year they are off to middle school.  Today is a special, sentimental and beautiful day!  And it’s Kristin’s birthday!!


  • Kristin says:

    THANKS SISTER!!!!!! I love the picture! That was a great birthday surprise!! I am sorry about the dippy (and I just had to censor myself) on the phone and the mess with the A-1. It will work itself out! LOVE you guys. See you Saturday!

  • Darlene says:

    First a birthday wish to your sister, Kristin – I hope her day is filled with everything her birthday heart desires. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I'm so sorry the freight company has managed to make a major mess of things. Don't get me started on the post office, frieght companies and the like. LOL

    Enjoy the final elementary school Christmas program with the girls. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Lori says:

    No wonder they gave you the Santa yesterday!! Why are some people in customer service when they have no idea what that means?!

  • WoolenSails says:

    It is annoying, been through delivery problems myself.
    I hope they get it right and you can get your new machine and enjoy your holiday.


  • Yvette says:

    Frustrating!!!! I hope it all works out. If they can't get it to you Friday they can send it to my house, I will take good care of her. LOL!!

  • Joanne says:

    I hope everything gets sorted out the way you expected.โ™ฅ
    Happy birthday to your sister – what a thrill that must have been for you when she was born!

  • Anne Ida says:

    Oh, nooo! I really hope the whole A-1 situation situation works out for you! The "Cheer me up Santa" must have brought a smile to your face, though – he is just super charming!

    Happy birthday to your baby sis :o)

  • Candace says:

    Happy Birthday to Kristin! I just love the picture of you two, Linda – you look so happy! Santa's are my favortie, too – what a sweet tradition! I'm so sorry about the delivery snafu – I really hope they work it out for you – fingers and toes crossed! Have fun tonight!

  • Sharon says:

    Happy Birthday to your sister! My daughter has naturally curly hair and has a few pictures that she'd rather not remember because of her out of control curls. LOL!
    I really hope you get your delivery on Friday!!!
    Love your new Santa!

  • Jeanette says:

    Happy Birthday to Kristin. I don't blame you for getting upset. That is terrible. I really hope your machine arrives Friday. Your new Santa is lovely. Hugs,

  • Maria says:

    Happy Birthday to your sister!
    What a lovely Santa, I also collect Santas and usually get a few each Christmas. I can truly understand the frustration of talking to someone who shouldn't be in a customer service. I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that you will get the delivery on Friday and that it wont mess your week up. I am soooo jealous of your new A1 but also can't wait to see what you get up to with it. I think you really really will enjoy it after all the holidays when you get to try it out.

  • Carol says:

    What a wonderful Santa! Happy birthday to your sister…sorry I'm late ๐Ÿ™‚ Customer Service…ACK! Hope it arrives TODAY!

  • QuiltSue says:

    Happy birthday (late, sorry) to your sister. I love your "Cheer Me Up Santa", what a lovely tradition that is.

    Sorry you had so much hassle yesterday, but hopefully it's all been sorted out by helpful people now, and the right things are delivered on the right days.

    How exciting about the LA machine. I bet you can hardly wait till January to start playing.

  • Mama Pea says:

    Love the photo of you and your sister. So cute. I am trying to catch up on things. I am so sorry you are having these problems with your machine! I can't wait to read the rest of your blog posts to see if it came. If you need help next week, like you're out of town when it comes, let me know. I'll try to help if I can!
