
Tonight will be an abbreviated Wooly Wednesday.  Unfortunately, due the weather, I fell behind on a few errands this week.  So tonight I need to do some shopping and finish up Christmas cards while the girls are at dance.  I’m still going to get a little stitching in, just not my usual 3 hours.  I have been trying to finish up some Christmas gifts.  I’m really feeling the time crunch now.  It’s been difficult to stay on The Christmas Gift Express between working, Christmas parties and the usual preparations before the holidays.  One of the projects I’ve been trying to finish up  is “Bluebird Row.” I have all the stitching done on the center design and it is fused to the background wool.  I should have just enough time to stitch that down tonight. 

I love it!  The little bluebirds are so sweet.  Their little stick legs are my favorite.  The stitching really makes a huge difference in the finished project!

Do you see what I mean?  The project not only doesn’t look finished, but the stitching gives everything character and life!  For some reason this kit did not come with a piece of homespun to finish off the back.  The directions called to “block” the penny rug by placing a damp cloth over it and place your iron on it in sections, but not to iron back and forth.  I’m not familiar with this.  I’ve heard of “blocking” a quilt before, especially before you enter it in a show, but not on a wool penny rug.  Is anyone else familiar with this method of finishing?  I had yeah I did to place another order with Primitive Gatherings for a few things I conveniently forgot to order with my last order, so I had them throw on some of Lisa Bongean’s homespun fabric to finish the back.  I just really like the look of that.  As soon as I receive it, I’ll finish this project and be on to the next!

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful, positive, and encouraging comments and emails I received regarding my new A-1.  I know it’s hard to believe that I could be any more excited, but I was even more excited by all of your excitement!  I was so wired last night that I had trouble falling asleep.  I had visions of A-1’s dancing in my head!! 🙂


  • Yvette says:

    I adore your wool mat. I can't wait to go to the big quilt show in January, Primitive Gatherings will be there and I plan on spending a lot of time there. LOL!

  • Lainee says:

    Those little birdies are just too cute! I'm going have to check out Primitive Gatherings website!

  • Mama Pea says:

    This is so cute. Yes, your stitching makes all the difference in the world. I may have to pick up this pattern. My SIL, Linda, commented on my blog about how she loves all things birds. I started thinking that I should make her some bird related things. This would be a fun one!

    I love it "conveniently forget" to order something so you "have to" order more. I'm with you on that one. 🙂 Have a good day. Drive safe.

  • Darlene says:

    Enjoy your day with all the hustle and bustle involved. 🙂

  • paulette says:

    I ♥ your little mat!! SEW Sweet!! I have never used homespun to finish off a penny…how do you do it? I usually use another piece of wool cut exactly like the top and blanket stitch them together. I'm curious how homespun looks and is attached…perhaps you could do a little demo on your blog?? hint hint…:o)
    Thanks, Linda!

  • Nicole says:

    That is the prettiest little mat ever! I'd love to know more about working with wool.

  • Candace says:

    To me blocking is like when you hand wash a wool sweater, you want to block it to the measurements it was before washing so it holds its shape – so I'm guessing the pattern wants you to make sure the wool mat holds its shape before adding the homespun? Just guessing here, Linda! Whatever you do it's going to be just adorable!

  • Carrie P. says:

    It is amazing what a little embroidery can do for a project. Same for quilts.
    You got me curious about the blocking technique. I thought I knew what to do but I found this little blurb that will give you some tips. I wouldn't do the whole cleaning thing because your rug is not dirty but read the second half and try that part.

  • Lori says:

    It looks lovely, and as far as I'm concerned skip the "blocking" and get the backing on it!!

  • Abby and Stephanie says:

    Love the birdies. Very sweet and definitely in need of the little details.

  • Joanne says:

    The little birds are so cute!
    I am not surprised you had trouble sleeping!!! Super exciting!♥

  • WoolenSails says:

    Love that piece, it is so pretty and the colors are beautiful.


  • Karen says:

    The bluebird piece would make a wonderful Christmas gift. I like homespun backing on the wool pieces too. Or even a cotton print. I remember one pattern that said something about blocking it but I have not felt the need to do that.

  • Carol says:

    Love your little birds…those skinny little legs make all the difference! CUTE!