
I know what a lame post name.  It’s the best I could come up with. So my old nemesis, Mr. Migraine, has returned.  I seem to be suffering a bit from them again.  Recently, the last 3 days.  It started coming on Tuesday night.  By Wednesday night, I was in full blown misery.  OTC meds are just taking the edge off and I’m eating them like they’re Skittles.  I’m going to the Dr. office this morning hopefully for some relief.  I’m thinking I’m going to be getting a couple of shots in the keester again. πŸ™‚  Actually, I’ll take whatever they want to give me, wherever they want to give it to me…as long as it’s works!!  Fingers crossed this goes away, so I can get back to what I love doing…quilting.

I did finish a client quilt earlier in the week.  The quilt is currently en route to it’s home and I don’t want to spoil Nicole’s surprise, so I’m not going to post pics until she sees it first.  It’s my first client quilt that I’ve shipped off.  It was hard to say goodbye.  I think the Postmaster thought I was a little crazy.  LOL! I can’t wait for her to see it.  Let me tell you, it was a huge honor to quilt for this person!  She writes one of my most favorite blogs and is one of the people that inspired me to start my blog.  I’ll post all about her quilt soon.

The girls’ and I enjoyed the first pepper and tomatoes of the season from the garden.

Tomatoes and pepper were so sweet and fragrant.  I still can’t believe how early these tomatoes are.  It’s the first year I’ve planted this variety, The Fourth of July Tomato.  Pretty true to it’s name, although the rest of the tomatoes on the plant are not even kind of close to being ripe yet.

I promised the girls I would post pics of their first big bass.

Look at the size of those fish!!  I’m so proud of them!!  Looks like their dad did one heck of job teaching them how to fish!  One day they’re ballerinas, the next…fishergirls!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  • Impera Magna says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about that nasty Mr. Migraine is imposing himself on you, Linda! Hope you can get some relief at the dr's today!

  • LuAnn says:

    Ask your doc about Imitrex. It has changed my life. It gets rid of the migraine without making me drowsy. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Sinta Renee says:

    Wow, great catch on that fish!
    HOw fun to get to do quiltng on one of Nicole's masterpieces! I know she will be super excited! I can't wait to see it Linda!

  • Kathy Schwartz says:

    Sorry to hear about the migraine, hope you get some relief soon.
    I am jealous about your garden though…my tomatoes as still at the flowering stage!

  • Lynette says:

    I hate migraines! I've been getting them way too often the last two years. I'm starting to really think they're connected with changing hormones. Sure wish I could have a meeting with my body and just schedule the changes already! Quit this dragging-it-out business. ;D hee

  • Nicole says:

    I am so excited to see the quilt!!! Sara is decorating her nursery around the colors in it. I am going to have to dig around for the binding fabric…now where on earth did I put that? Oh dear.

  • Nicole says:

    I meant to also say how adorable your girls are, and how happy they look with their big fish!

  • Lori says:

    The girls and their bass are so cute! It is so much fun to catch fish!!

  • Brandie says:

    I'm so sorry your suffering again! I really hope the Dr fixes you up.
    Now we are all waiting to see Nicole's quilt. Hope you sent it to the new house! LOL

  • WoolenSails says:

    I am lucky, not to get them but I get wicked sinus headaches and those are bad enough. I can take pain, but head pain makes it impossible to create;) I hope you feel better soon.

    Wonderful photos of the girls, I loved to fish with my dad when I was younger.


  • Lynn says:

    I hope the Dr. is able to provide you with some relief. Migraines are no fun!

  • West Michigan Quilter says:

    I'm so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hate when that happens and think the worst part is not being able to quilt! Your girls are darling. I remember fishing at that age. Sure hope you get some relief and are feeling back to normal soon!

  • Candace says:

    Your girls will soon be as talented as their mother! I can't wait to see Nicole's quilt – she is a very special gal! Good luck on getting some relief at the doctor's – maybe peppers and tomatoes are a cure! I sure wish I was harvesting tomatoes this early! Have a great weekend!

  • Jeanette says:

    Sorry to hear of your migraine Linda. I can commiserate with you over that. Hope the Dr can help you. Your girls are so cute. Hugs,

  • Denise in PA says:

    So sorry about the headaches! I hope you are all better soon! Nicole's was one one of the first blogs I read and is still one of my favorites. I can't wait to see her quilt!

  • Donna says:

    I hope you migraine is better now! Bless your heart as we say in the South πŸ™‚ They can be debilating …I have had my share πŸ™
    I can't wait to see Nicole's quilt! I still plan on sending you a quilt to quilt when you have time!
    Your girls are adorable and looks like they are great fisherwomen!
    Have a wonderful weekend and feel better!

  • Quilts And Pieces says:

    OK, you know how when you first go to someone's post and eyes scan down quick before you really read the post and it just picks up a few words?…. Well at first glance I thought you had written you were taking skittles to cure your migraine! I was going to tell you – that isn't going to work! πŸ™‚

  • Allie says:

    Linda, how long have you had migraines? I used to get them all the time – they started in my neck, and I don't get them anymore now that I do my neck exercises. I'm thinking about how much time you spend quilting….

    Tell the girls they did an AWESOME job – I so miss fishing for bass with my grandfather! He had a great spot near Harsen's Island where we always came up with some lovely fish.

  • Carrie P. says:

    Hope you are feeling better tonight.
    I was just diagnosised with them. I have chronic migraines so I feel for you.
    Well your girls know how to have fun.

  • Mary @ Neat and Tidy says:

    I hope you are feeling better now.

    Can't wait to see Nicole's quilt; you both do super work.

  • Mama Pea says:

    Migraines suck. So sorry. I am fortunate to have not had one for years now. I hate them. Can't wait to see Nicole's quilt! Your girls are just about the cutest thing on earth! Love that they aren't afraid to hold the fish by the mouth!