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Pierogi and Frogging

By March 7, 2011March 2nd, 202124 Comments

Last weekend just flew by! Between working, grocery shopping, making pierogi, quilting and frogging, the weekend was over in a blink of an eye! I’ll explain frogging a little later for those of you that are fortunate to be unfamiliar with it.

Lent is right around the corner, which means it’s also time to make pierogi. My MIL comes from a Polish background, so making pierogi is a tradition. When Scott and I were first together my MIL would make all the pierogi for us. Now that we have a family, she comes to our house and we make them together, including Scott and the girls.

We have a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of work! Not to mention messy. We make the pierogi and Scott is in charge of cleanup.

We used my cute little egg separator I received as my Secret Santa gift from Ellen at the quilt shop Christmas party.

Our pierogi are stuffed with potato and cheese.  I’m just pinching the dough together after stuffing one.

I made all the “ugly” pierogi.  My MIL’s is on the right and mine is on the left.  LOL!  She’s a professional!!

Here’s a batch waiting to go in the freezer.  Not all of them made it to the freezer.  We fried up the the not so nice ones when we were done.  Mostly the ones I made.  Yummy!  Fried in butter then dipped in sour cream!!  They are delicious!  We will enjoy them on Fridays until Easter.  Although, Alyssa requested them this morning for breakfast!  LOL!

Now to my “frogging.”  Some of the things Jamie and I worked on last Thursday was continuous curve quilting.  I decided to try it out on my Le Petite project from last October, “Paganini” Schnibbles.  I originally had a different idea in my head for quilting and realized half way through the quilting that I should have went with my original plan.  I hated how the quilting looked!  I started it Saturday night and decided to stop and go back to it Sunday to see if I still wasn’t happy with it…and I still hated it.  It wasn’t bad, I just didn’t like it.  I knew that if I left it the way it was, I would always look at it and not like it.  So I took Paganini off Annie and frogged last night.  Frogging is what machine quilters refer to as ripping out stitches.  You rip it, rip it. 🙂  Took me two hours for my little quilt top!  There’s a lot of holes from the stitching.   I’ll need to size and re-press.

I know it’ll be worth the work when I am happy with the quilting.  I’m already happy with those stitches gone!!

I want to wish my MIL, Geri, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!  Happy Birthday Mom!  Thanks for all you do!