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Just know, I always have good intentions on writing posts.  I literally have them written in my head, but it seems I just never find the time to get to the computer to write them!!  Also, I want you to know that I read and enjoy every comment I receive.  Thank you.  I appreciate them so much!  I love to respond to each of them, but lately I’ve had a hard time keeping up.  I apologize. 

Elaina is better, but Alyssa is sick now.  They really are twins.  She has what her sister had.  She also had to pay a visit to the doctor for meds.  I’m hoping she’ll be well enough to go back to school by Friday.  It’s really hard to get things done when you have a sick little one at home!  Fingers crossed Scott and I don’t get it too.

Even with everything going on, we did manage to get our Christmas decorations up.  It really made the girls weekend to decorate.  As soon as they get up in the morning, they turn on the lights on the Christmas tree.  I’ll have to post some pics soon.  But before those, I thought I would share one of Mary’s quilts that I did quite a while ago.  You’ll be able to see the green grass and sun in the photos, so you can tell they were from a while ago!!  This is one of 5 quilts I did for Mary.  Actually, I did 7 for Mary this year!!  I think she was my number one repeat client!!

 This is a gorgeous quilt made with beautiful reproduction fabrics!  Mary did a wonderful job.

 It was fun to try some new quilting techniques on this.  Prepared me a little for Ode To Virginia. 🙂

 I just couldn’t decide what to do in the red squares in the corner.  I ended up making some homemade  templates in a heart motif to tie into the hearts appliqued on the quilt.  The motif under the heart is actually the heart template “opened up.”

You can see all the little pin holes from pinning it to the top.  Here’s a pic of me trying to audition the designs of the heart motif and layout.

I always love the back as much as the front, even though sometimes I forget to take pics of the back.  Seems like if I remember to take before quilting pic, I forget to take an after of the back.  Go figure.

I guess I did remember to take a before pic.

I used Hobbs 80/20 and So Fine threads top and bobbin.  I like Hobbs 80/20, but I’m not sure if I love it.  I would like to sample some other battings.  I actually have a big box waiting for me to play with full of batting samples.

 Doesn’t that look like fun???  Too bad I don’t have the time right now.  After the new year when things aren’t so crazy, I’ll make time for some research.  Speaking of no time, I need to get back to quilting asap!!!  Right now, I may be looking for a miracle to get all my client Christmas orders done!  🙂