June 1st!!! Hard to believe. May went by sooooo fast. So fast, it was a complete blur!!! Lots going on to keep me busy. Plenty of little changes here too. A little shopping too. 🙂 I have lots to share. Have any of you been to Julie’s site, Me and My Stitches? Julie makes gorgeous quilt themed jewelry, items and patterns. She is super talented!! I asked her if she could do a custom piece for me and of course she could…
She made a bracelet with a Pineapple block using the red and green Seasonal Little Gatherings fabrics that were used on the Christmas applique quilt I quilted for Lisa Bongean. I LOVE how it turned out!!!! LOVE. I wear it ALL the time. On the same day I received the bracelet, I received an unexpected surprise from JoAnne…
And look at the back.
If you remember, I quilted this quilt for JoAnne here. What a sweet and thoughtful gift!!! Took my breath away, that JoAnne would send me such a beautiful gift from Hawaii. I use it to hold my jewelry. LOVE it!!!! I will always think of JoAnne every time I see it. Thank you, JoAnne.
School is almost done. The girls received several academic awards. They were even honored a few weeks ago with an American Legion Award. We couldn’t be more proud!!
The girls finished up their first year of competitive dance. They did so well. Even scoring highest marks. I am always amazed at how they can dance like that. I couldn’t do it that is for sure!! All glitzed up for dance competition.
Let’s see…I have started decorating with some red, white and blue for summer. I have some new goodies to share, but I haven’t quite got them all situated yet. I’ll share those soon.
I finally made a little time for myself and made a hair appointment!!! Now, that I am a quilting recluse, I went a little slack on my hair. I had quite the little gray hair thing going on. Not LOL. I needed a change, so I went darker. Probably more my natural color, although it’s been so long since I have seen it!! LOL!!!
Let see what else….? Oh, I got a new vehicle!! For the first time in nearly 12 years, I am not driving a minivan. I loved the minivan when the girls were little, but I think we are all ready for a change.
I think the girls love it more than me. Well, maybe. When we went out last night, I wouldn’t take it because it was raining!!!! LOL!!! Ridiculous, I know.
Now I need to get back to work to finish this gorgeous quilt up.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!