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Busy as usual here.  Winter seems to want to be a permanent tenant these days.  I did manage to break away for a few days for an annual quilt retreat…a much needed… to Shipshewana with friends.  My sister joined this year for the first time!! She enjoyed a few days of relaxation, shopping, eating and finished a wool mat too!  She now understands all the hype after years of hearing about the “Legends of the Shipshewana retreat.” lol

I had a plan going into the retreat this year.  A schedule even…lol!!!  I still chuckle at that!!!  Basically, I like to sew to my heart’s content, but this year I made a list of projects I wanted to work on.  Usually, I pack some stuff to work on the morning I leave! Trust me, I am very laid back about it all…I nap and watch movies while away.  It is all about enjoyment, not just sewing for me.  With that being said, I actually accomplished a lot while I was there!

I have been wanting to make the quilt Round&Round by Camille Roskelley for some time. Pattern available here.

 Do you like my models??  I went outside to take some photos behind the bed and breakfast we stay at and within seconds they came to join in on the photo shoot!  So sweet.

 Now…back to the quilt. πŸ™‚  I used only fabric I had in my stash.   I have always thought the pattern looked like wreaths to me.  So I decided to use a red reproduction background and a variety of scraps and greens I had on hand for the “wreaths” or HSTs.  I am super happy with how it turned out!!!!  LOVE this pattern!!!!

My test block before I made before I left for the retreat.

The quilt went together like butter after you square up and trim all the HSTs/half-square triangles.

Next project up was a little quilt called Starry Nine-Patch Quilt for the book Nine Patch Gatherings by Lisa Bongean and Carole Charles available here.  It was another project I have been wanting to make.

 I love me some little quilts!!! πŸ™‚

The blocks finish at 3″!!!!!

Then I switched gears to wool.  I had some projects I wanted to prep because dance season is in full swing here.  I need some hand work to keep me busy!

I have Blue Bird Blooms Table Runner all prepped for stitching.  It is from the book Summer Gatherings by Lisa Bongean and  Carole Charles available here.  Love this too. πŸ™‚


Surrounded by Lisa Bongean available here.  I prepped the wool.  All my HSTs are done! There is like 130 or 140 or something total that you need for the mat!

All the projects were made from my stash except the Blue Birds Runner, that was kit I had.  Not too bad. πŸ™‚

I wanted to send a HUGE thank you to Karen for sending me a show book from The Road to California show.

  How sweet is that??  Karen and I met through Instagram.  So cool!!  Karen also has a blog here.  And thank you to everyone for their kind words regarding Portland Rose.

Like I mentioned earlier dance is in full swing.  The girls had a charity event they performed at last Friday.  I never tire of watching them.  I get so excited, I can hardly stand myself!! lol  It was great practice for them to prepare for their competitions and great practice for ME to get them ready!!

All organized and ready!

And you know I could not leave you without some quilting.  There is A LOT of quilting happening!!

 A quilt I recently finished for Lisa Bongean out of her new line Homestead Gatherings.  Just a peek at the back. πŸ™‚