
Hello Everyone! I apologize for my abscence and also with these photobucket ads everywhere. Trying to sort out what’s going on. Seems they are holding my photos and background ransom for $400. Apparently they are no longer a free service! Ugh. Seems illegal. Please you can still shop, find me on IG and my FB page.  Just click on the links. Here is a little eye candy.  I have more pics post on Instagram and Facebook page, you do not need accounts to see. Just click the links provided above.

*Problem fixed! Yay!! The ads are gone. Apparently, when I hired Cutest Blog on the Block to design a custom background and signature, they used Photo Bucket. Photo Bucket recently changed their terms of service with virtually zero notification, charging $400. I read 100s of thousands blogs are effected. Many bloggers losing 10 years of photos!! I never used Photo Bucket or had an account with them which makes what happened even more frustrating. Alas, the code has been removed for the background and signature, therefore eliminating Photo Bucket from my space here and their requests for money i.e. Extortion!


  • Leeanne says:

    Linda I had the same problem on my blog too! The person I commissioned to make my blog a few years back fixed it for me………good luck! P.S LOVE your quilting xxx

    • Linda says:

      You're giving me hope. I hired cutest blog on the block a few years ago to spruce up my blog with a custom design. Apparently they used photo bucket for the background and my signature. So frustrating. I've sent so many emails. Hoping this gets fixed. It's awful!
      Thanks so much!

  • Janet O. says:

    Ah, Linda, so good to see some eye candy from you! I have missed your inspiring posts (I'm not on IG or FC–I still live in the dark ages). Thank you for the links–I love the quilting!!!

  • AnnieQuilts says:

    Great to see you back. Your quilting is the most beautiful I've seen; love it for the inspiration even as a beginning longarmer.

  • Marti Morgan says:

    I am sorry to hear that this has happened to you – it amazes me what people will do for the almighty dollar. Sorry.

  • Dar says:

    Welcome back. Always love seeing your amazing quilting.

  • kupton52 says:

    Yay! This was like a gift from Heaven—-as your quilting is divine! I have so missed your posts but every time I use one of your nifty rulers I think of you! Welcome back to blogland—I hope you get this all sorted out in your favor. Thank you for the links ….blessings….

  • Phyllis says:

    Missed you and your inspiring blogposts. Never mind the background ( even though I understand this must be soooo annoying and time consuming) it is just lovely to see your work here also.

  • Danice G says:

    Beautiful quilting. Yes, that is why I do not like using photo saving sites. Usually, there is a limit to how much space is free. Have you tried saving your background to your Blogger account, as a Draft (not published), then copying and pasting the code in your Blogger Layout gadget for your background image?

    • Linda says:

      Thanks for the compliment! Happy to have the ads gone and problem solved! I just had the codes for the background and signature completely removed. Actually I did not use the photo sharing site and had no idea they were ever used until the ads popped up. Cutest Blog on the Block used them. I paid them to do a custom design not knowthing this is what they had used.

  • Always In Stitches says:

    I finally pulled my sight down. Since I did not sell anything but my quilting services I decided I did not need the headache. I don't miss it one bit. Love you quilting.

  • Unknown says:

    So, so happy to have you back! Are you still doing commission work? I am working on small quilts roughly 24 x 25 or so. Would like to make enough to accent a room / wall. These are civil war fabrics patterns from Jo Morton, Jo's club. How are the girls? Still dancing? High school? Graduated? Can't wait to see more eye candy! So sorry for all your blog headaches!

  • Patti says:

    Hmmmm, I think you're missed.