
I have many reasons to be thankful this Thanksgiving.  Family, friends, new job, blog, new blogging friends…the list could go on forever.  I have had so much fun with my blog that I should have joined Blogland a l-o-n-g time ago!  I’ve “met” such wonderful people.  I can’t tell you how wonderful the comments and emails I have received have made me feel.  I always tell my girls “to the Moon and back” when I want to explain when something means a lot.  Like when I tell them “I missed them to the Moon and back” when they’ve gone to Grandma’s house for the weekend, so they understand the magnitude of how much I missed them.  Your comments and emails have meant so much to me…to the Moon and back!!!  So as my thank you to all of you, I am doing my very first GIVEAWAY! 
 I am giving away “Paganini” Schnibbles pattern from Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co. because that was the first project in Le Petite.  Joining Le Petite was the one last “push” I needed to get my blog up and running.  AND I am including 2 Charm Squares of  Wild Rose by Blackbird Designs to make Paganini!  I, of course chose this fabric because it represents my first day at the quilt shop!  All you have to do to enter the giveaway is leave a comment about what YOU are thankful for this Thanksgiving on this post by 9:00 PM Tuesday Nov. 23.  I will post the winner the Wednesday (Nov. 24) before Thanksgiving at 9:00 AM. 
Good Luck! 
Giveaway Now Closed!  Have A Happy Thanksgiving!


  • paulette says:

    Ohhhh oh! I'm number one…#1 never wins…but that's OK…although I DO love this pattern and the fabric… I just wanted to say that I am 'OVER the moon' that you are blogging!! Love reading it everyday! Take care and here's to many, many more blog entries!! Just keep 'em coming!! Thanks for the chance to win your very generous Give Away!!

  • Joanne says:

    Your first give away – how exciting!
    We already had Canadian Thanksgiving last month and I was so thankful to have family come for a visit and the chance to get together with other family members.
    Thanks for the chance!♥

  • Unknown says:

    I'm thankful to have the opportunity to comment here! I'm thankful for all of my many blessings, including family, health, enough to eat, a roof over my head, friends, memories, and the list goes on…

  • Darlene says:

    It's always good to take a few minute to count our blessings! I'm glad you're enjoying blogging – it's definitely a wonderful experience. 🙂 I'm enjoying getting to know you.

    Awesome giveaway!

  • WoolenSails says:

    I am thankful that my husband has a good job in this economy and even though we don't have a lot, we can pay our bills and have our home and family. I see so many of my friends who are hurting this year, it is sad and makes me appreciate what I have.

    I am also having a giveaway this week.


  • Carol says:

    What a great giveaway Linda…this is such a wonderful time of the year…much to be thankful for…health and happiness for my entire family, great friends…some that my husband calls "my imaginary friends"…my blogland friends that are so very special to me.

  • Baskets Of Quilts says:

    I'm thankful for family. I had my baby 3 weeks ago and she's healthy and happy. She makes me appreciate all the little things in life. All I could ask for would be a bit more sleep!

  • rebecca says:

    Fun blog. Thanksgiving time does give us a reminder to count our blessings and reflect on the positives in our lives. Gobble, gobble!!!

  • ritad says:

    Thankful for a good life that I enjoy everyday.
    Love your giveaway. To win would be that much more thankful!

  • Lori says:

    Really, I have os many htings to be thankful for. Right now though I'm thnakful for my hubby's love and support in all I do.

  • Chris@Cats On My Quilts says:

    I'm thankful for 2 healthy grandsons, a healthy daughter (she has MS), an awesome son, a best friend husband, wonderful SIL abd DIL, and a happy home that suits us just fine.

  • Patti says:

    What a great giveaway, pick me. I'm thankful for so many things I don't know where to start. I'm thankful for my wonderful husband and awesome son. My fabulous friend who just started this blog and my favorite cousin who could finally make a comment. I'm thankful for the life I live on our family farm being able to work outside for a living and playing with large equipment. I'm also thankful to the rest of my family for their unconditional love no matter how crazy I get.

  • Becky says:

    Love your saying, "To the moon and back." Blessings. This has definitely been a year of blessings. It is almost impossible to choose one thing that I'm thankful for, but I'd have to say that I'm blessed, grateful, thankful for my dear husband. I am thankful that this good man is in my life. I am indeed blessed.

    So glad that you have joined the blogging world!

  • Carolyn says:

    What to be thankful for? So much…but mostly that I'll be here to enjoy Thanksgiving this year after a bout of E.coli last week that could have so quickly gone wrong!

  • Lainee says:

    Even though family won't be with us down here for Thanksgiving, I'm thankful that we've made new friends down here that will join us for Thanksgiving!

  • Nicole says:

    I'm thankful for all the friends I have made through blogging! Including you!

  • Cathy says:

    I'm thankful that we have not had major financial worries in this economy. And also for the internet, which has made blogging possible!

  • Anonymous says:


  • Karen says:

    I am thankful that all of our parents are healthy. That our grown children are both happy and healthy. And that we can hug our grandchildren everyday. I thank God that he keeps all of these people safe including my husband and I and all of you. Thank you for the giveaway.

  • Kristin says:

    I am thankful for my family, being in PA school, Scooter, my friends, and good health!

  • Terry says:

    Oh I'd love to make Paganini! Thanks for the chance! I'm thankful for my family and my friends and my sewing, and for health and happiness, and for nature and even for winter because after it comes spring! LOL

  • Jeanette says:

    We don't celebrate thanksgiving here in Australia but if we did it would be my family, friends & health i'm thankful for.

  • Maria says:

    We don't have Thanksgiving here in Sweden but I am always thankful for my family and friends being there for me no matter what and a wonderful husband who still makes me laugh every day. A lovely giveaway as well. I so envy you and your new job at the quilt shop but are also thankful we can get a little bit of it in a giveaway 😉

  • Unknown says:

    I'm thankful that my family is right down the road and I can see them whenever I'm in the mood. Just kidding. Love ya all Papa

  • Mariel says:

    I'm so thankful for a healthy family and the opportunity to travel and be together this Thanksgiving. I am also very thankful to live in the best country on this earth and for the men and women who put their lives on the line everyday to keep it that way! To those in the U S armed forces, the local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies a HUGH THANK YOU!

  • Joy McD says:

    I am thankful for fammily and friends… for having blogs to visit, and fabric to sew with 🙂
    Lovely to meet you and I'm off to read some more of your blog!

  • Susan says:

    I'm thankful that all of my children are happy at school and in their jobs, and that they will all be coming home for Thanksgiving next week.

    And thank you, Linda, fora generous give-away!

  • cathy says:

    I am thankful for my family, friends and health. It may not be original or creative but it is heartfelt. And thanks for your blog and giveaway.

  • julieQ says:

    Thank you for hosting such a very nice giveaway! I am thankful for my family, my loving God, my job…so very much each day…I am so blessed.

  • Mama Pea says:

    HI Linda, thanks for your nice comment on my blog. Like you, I am really thankful for my blogging friends (aside from all the normal stuff like family, health, good job, good friends). I have found inspiration, friendship, and just plain fun in blogland. I have been blogging for under a year, and I should have started a long time ago. Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  • ann says:

    I count my blessings everyday! I'm thankful for family, friends and the fact that I have a bed to sleep in every night. I really enjoy reading your blog.

  • SubeeSews says:

    I am thankfull for my family and my "family" of Bloggers. I feel so connected to the world now instead of being the hermit I am. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who is easy going and allows me to quilt as much as I wish to. And I am thankful for my health and the choices I have made. Thanks for finding my blog. I will follow yours!
    XOXOXO Subee

  • Lynn says:

    I am thankful to wake up each morning to a beautiful day before me. I can choose to spend it with family, friends, fabric and my dog….or all of the above!

  • SewSew says:

    I am thankful for my loving family and great friends, good food, clean air and my terrific quilting buddies. Also, Linda I am thankful for you and your Quilted Pineapple–you ARE over the moon–and back.

  • Cornfield Quilter says:

    First of all I want to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a very nice comment! I have met such wonderful quilters through my blog and am so thankful for it. I am also thankful for my family, my health, and for my strong faith in the Lord. Hope everyone that reads this has a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

  • Jo says:

    I'll be really thankful if my kids, the boyfriends and the girlfriends, my hubby and dogs can all get along for the day. Then I'll be real thankful to have Friday as a sewing day. Seriously….I am thankful that I am forgiven. I am thankful that my family loves me unconditionally. I am thankful to have all the things I need to survive and many things that help me thrive.

  • Pati says:

    What an awesome giveaway! I can drool, because I never win! I am thankful for my children and my grandson. My youngest son almost died at Christmas last year from a botched surgery. In fact, he only had a 10% chance of living. I'm happy to say that he did make it through and is stronger than ever. And with a great attitude about his surgery/experience. My first grandchild/grandson was born on Spencer's birthday of January 11th. My daughters have both matured into wonderful young ladies and my oldest son has become the man that I always knew he would be. Without my children, I would not be the person that I am today.

  • Mary @ Neat and Tidy says:

    What a generous giveaway!

    Let's see, I am so grateful for so many things, that it's difficult to single out one. I guess I'd have to say that I'm most grateful for my good health. So many of my friends are younger and have to rely on medications.

    Linda, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving holiday.

  • Anonymous says:

    I'm thankful each day my eyes open and head lifts from the pillow…simple….I live another day to love, enjoy and just be.

    I want Wild Rose! Oh goodness…I've been slapping my hands at the keyboard for ordering this line.

  • Yvette says:

    What a thoughtful giveaway. I am thankful that my 85 year old mom is healthy and able to walk on her own again.

  • Julie S says:

    I am thankful for everything, everyday, even the bad things because I can learn from them. I'm thankful for little things like my toes that help me walk and balance, my eyebrows that keep rain out of my eyes, and all those other things we rarely think about.

  • Sinta Renee says:

    Congratulations on your blog and your giveaway! You must be in heaven with your new job too! I have a hundred and one things that I am thankful for. Mostly I feel blessed with my wonderful family and my friends. I am fortunate to have so much love around me… and that is what makes each day special to me.

  • Candace says:

    Fun giveaway, Linda! I am most thankful for my good health, for finding Mr. Squash late in life and who lights up my life to no end, and for all the great new and old friends I've made in blogland!

  • Deb says:

    I'm thankful for the opportunity to spend time with family and friends over the holiday weekend, and the fact that we have our first granddaughter to spend time with this year. It's amazing!

  • Quilter Kathy says:

    What a lovely gift! I am thankful for family and friends also. But lately I have been thankful for good health that enables me to enjoy my friends and family and quilting. I have a much younger cousin who is very ill and it really gives me a different perspective on my days.

  • Millie says:

    I am thankful for my family, my good health and my Blogging Friends.
    The Wild Rose fabrics are so perfect for the Pagini pattern. Thanks for a chance to enter.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.