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I have many reasons to be thankful this Thanksgiving.  Family, friends, new job, blog, new blogging friends…the list could go on forever.  I have had so much fun with my blog that I should have joined Blogland a l-o-n-g time ago!  I’ve “met” such wonderful people.  I can’t tell you how wonderful the comments and emails I have received have made me feel.  I always tell my girls “to the Moon and back” when I want to explain when something means a lot.  Like when I tell them “I missed them to the Moon and back” when they’ve gone to Grandma’s house for the weekend, so they understand the magnitude of how much I missed them.  Your comments and emails have meant so much to me…to the Moon and back!!!  So as my thank you to all of you, I am doing my very first GIVEAWAY! 
 I am giving away “Paganini” Schnibbles pattern from Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co. because that was the first project in Le Petite.  Joining Le Petite was the one last “push” I needed to get my blog up and running.  AND I am including 2 Charm Squares of  Wild Rose by Blackbird Designs to make Paganini!  I, of course chose this fabric because it represents my first day at the quilt shop!  All you have to do to enter the giveaway is leave a comment about what YOU are thankful for this Thanksgiving on this post by 9:00 PM Tuesday Nov. 23.  I will post the winner the Wednesday (Nov. 24) before Thanksgiving at 9:00 AM. 
Good Luck! 
Giveaway Now Closed!  Have A Happy Thanksgiving!