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Who Turned the Lights Out?

By February 22, 2011March 2nd, 202115 Comments

I’m still here! Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Remember my nagging little cough? Well, it turned out to be a little more than that. I was steadily feeling worse and decided to go to the doctor Friday afternoon. Turns out I have an acute case of bronchitis on the fast track to pneumonia without medical attention. I guess it’s a good thing I went to the doctor! So I have been in bed ALL weekend trying to recover. I’m on some super strong meds that really seem to be helping. I’m not fully recovered, but feeling much better.

I was hoping to get a post written Sunday, but we lost power before I could! Have I ever mentioned how much I hate losing power?? Well I do! Sunday afternoon we had another winter storm roll through leaving snow and tons of ice causing many to lose power, including us. We have been without power since Sunday evening. The power company keeps changing when restoration is going to happen. They are even saying power might not be back until Friday! I can’t even think about that! Luckily, my dad lives down the street from us and he still has power! Thank goodness! So we are all staying with him right now, even Sarge. It’s such a pain, though. We had to empty our fridge. Ugh, and we just went grocery shopping Sunday morning! The girls have been home from school for the past two days. They’ve loved every second of this adventure! I’m posting from my iPad, which I’ve never done before. It’s not bad if you’re in a pinch. No photos though. 🙁

Hopefully, I can post from my computer very soon. I haven’t been working on much with being in bed and then NO power. Trust me, I’m ready to get back to some quilting!