
Well, it’s here!  The big day has finally arrived.  Jamie Wallen is coming over this morning to spend the day with me.  He will be assembling my new A-1 and showing me how to create magic!  Well, I doubt my quilting will look magical, but it’s going be surreal.  I still can’t believe it! I am just so excited.  I didn’t sleep a wink last night.  I have to admit, I’m a nervous wreck too.  What if is something is wrong?  What if we finally plug in my A-1 and it doesn’t work?  Silly, I know.  I know everything will be okay…hopefully.

I can’t say enough how wonderful Scott has been.  He gave up his fishing/tool and storage area to house my new A-1. We really don’t have any other place to put it.  When we finished our basement 3 years ago, we deliberately left that area unfinished for storage and his things.  We have a very large family room with a kitchenette, bedroom and bath in our basement now.  The bedroom is my current sewing studio. [no bed in there :-)]  Unfortunately, we built it a foot too small to have my A-1 in there.  If we had known then what we know now, we would have made that room a little bigger.  I didn’t want a LA in the family room, so our storage room was really the only place it could go.  Poor Scott.  I will say it made us purge and throw a TON of stuff away we didn’t need to be saving!  Scott thought we could have been featured on the show Hoarders!  LOL!  Initially, it was such a nightmare!  Oh and the mess!  Scott really did most of the work.  He’s painted, put down a beautiful new floor and added my cabinets.  There’s still some finishing touches that need to be done, but I don’t care.  I would’ve loved it before he did all the work.  I am just thrilled to have my machine.  Scott is the one that’s been concerned with how nice the room is.  Scott does get to keep a very small corner for some of his things.  He’s definitely earned it!

I thought I would give a little peak so far…

I think I found the perfect spot to hang my “Butter Churn.”

I have a new 8 Ft. long pressing station.  Scott made a very large ironing board for me last night.  I helped…I handed him the scissors.  He securely placed the cabinets away from the wall, so I have ample space to press a large quilt.  He even made sure that I had enough room behind the cabinets to use my Swiffer!   He’s good.
Here is an idea of what the room looked like before.  A bit of a change??

My new saddle stool for quilting.  It came with my package.  It’s so comfortable.  I can’t wait to try it while I’m quilting!  Soon, very soon my friends…


  • Sharon says:

    Ooooh!!!! I'm SO excited for you, Linda!!!!! It looks wonderful and everything is going to work just perfectly!!! I had to laugh at your before picture because our whole basement looks like that! We really need to throw away most of it. LOL Your husband is such a sweetie to give up his space for you and your A-1.

  • Lori says:

    Wow! The room looks wonderful!!! Your husband deserves the blue ribbon for sure!!!

  • Carol says:

    That is so awesome Linda. Your cabinets look so nice and how wonderful to have a big pressing table. I totally agree, your Butterchurn looks perfect there. Happy Quilting.

  • Darlene says:

    I'm telling you Scott is definitely a Super Hero. 🙂

    Remember to relax, breathe and enjoy.

  • Country Prims says:

    Whohoo! It's all happening:)) Loving it all!

    I had to laugh at you hod sleeping and thinking of the possibilities to go wrong-I do that too, just in case I get dashed when so excited about something!lol!

    Enjoy and hope your training session goes a dream!

    Shazy x

  • Chris@Cats On My Quilts says:

    Now I think I need a pressing staion in my room! Going to have to find some space for that.

  • Yvette says:

    I am so excited for you!!!

  • Mama Pea says:

    So exciting! What a nice change to the room! So, will you move the rest of your sewing stuff in that room and give him the "bedroom?" Or will you share this room?

    I can't wait to hear how it goes today. I am so excited for you.

    That pressing station and those cabinets are to die for!

  • WoolenSails says:

    The new room is looking great, will be so nice to have your own space to work in.


  • Lynn says:

    I have quilting studio envy! What a wonderful time you are going to have quilting on your new machine. Do you rent out your handy husband to other quilter's?

  • Lainee says:

    I'm really excited for you!!!! Just breath and keep in mind, if you can do what you do on a DSM…this will be a snap in a very short time. The only thing I think that would be intimidating for me on a long arm would be loading the back and quilt top PROPERLY…what kind of leaders did you get?

    Thanks for clarifying the clearance on your pressing station…picture Sarge with his head tipped sideways,ears perked and brow furrowed.

    I await your next post!

  • Brandie says:

    How wonderful it all looks! Lucky girl! You have a great Husband, cherish him. Wonderful things will come out of this room, I just know it!

  • Cheryll says:

    I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see you what come up with.

  • Nicole says:

    You are so fortunate to have such a handy husband! And generous! Love that ironing station. What I wouldn't give to have one like it. Alas, my space for sewing is no where near as large as yours, but seeing what you have done makes me want to get in mine and reorganize things considerably!
    Have a fabulous time getting to know your A-1!

  • Carrie P. says:

    The room is looking good. I think you should keep Scott. He sounds like a great guy.
    I have heard that if you haven't used something in a year it is time to get rid of it. I did that a couple years ago and can't believe how much stuff I had. I like living simply now.
    Have fun learning to use your machine.

  • Michele says:

    How exciting!!! The room is beautiful….love the Butter Churn! Enjoy!

  • Jeanette says:

    The room looks great. Love the big pressing station. How did your day of learning go? Can't wait to hear all about it. Hugs,

  • Sunnybec says:

    How excited are you!!! I can hear it in your typing LOL Can't wait to see it all set up. Hugs Linda

  • Kathy says:

    How exciting! Your new sewing room looks great, and your DH is definitely a keeper.

    Hope you get some sleep tonight, but you'll probably want to be playing with your new toy instead of sleeping!

  • Cindy says:

    WOW – Linda. It looks totally wonderful!! So clean, pristine and beautiful!! You're a fortunate lady to have a special man in your life. Kudos to you!!

  • West Michigan Quilter says:

    You are so blessed! Ann A-1 AND a perfect husband. I'm filled with envy. Love your new space. Looks like a place you can stay organized too. Hope you post a picture when everything is set up.

  • Quilts And Pieces says:

    Oh how wonderful this is going to be! That pressing station is to die for!

  • Anonymous says:

    It is looking great! It sounds like your Scott is a keeper :o) Enjoy the new machine!

  • QuiltSue says:

    Oh this looks wonderful. I am so excited for you and can hardly wait to see your masterpieces.

  • Carol says:

    Oh Linda your room is spectacular! Scott is amazing! Can't wait to hear all about your day with Jamie…I'm so excited for you!

  • Maddie Kertay- The Domestic Anarchist says:

    ohhh I have Iron station envy!!!
