I have to admit, the Olympics have been a huge distraction, I thought they were going to be great to have on the television in the studio while I am quilting, however I am finding I am stopping to watch more than I am quilting!! Oh well. Seems some Olympians require my full attention. 🙂 Yes, I know it probably does not look like it from my last several posts, but I AM doing a lot of quilting. LOTS of quilting!!!
I was noticing recently that my selection of So Fine threads were becoming a little disorganized. I was starting to store cones in different areas vs. all together. Not very user friendly. Again, I went hunting for buried treasures in my home. I hit the jackpot in my garage this time!!!

Antique wardrobe!!!! We were using it to store shoes in our garage. After a little convincing, Scott and our neighbor moved it to my studio. It is very heavy.

I am so happy with it!!!! I now have all my So Fine threads organized. I have lots of room for more. I have all my books in one place. The deep drawer on the bottom holds all my magazines!! It is awesome!! The handles on the drawer are my favorite.

They are made of walnut. The wardrobe is another treasure from my grandmother. I LOVE having it. Great memories. I used to spend a lot of time getting into that wardrobe as a child. She used to store all the board games in there. There is a door for the front, but I am going to leave it off. My mom told me that my grandma had always planned on having the wardrobe refinished, but never got around to it. Scott started refinishing it several years ago, but I think it looks just perfect as is! My grandma (my dad’s mom) had an amazing collection of antiques. She had a real knack for decorating. My love for antiques comes from her.

I have to remind myself of the saying on that little quilt block all the time. I had fun decorating too. I dug out more buried treasures. A pretty good collection of waterfowl. LOL! I may change the decorations for the seasons. Wouldn’t it look pretty to have some quilts folded up in/on it?? If I had some!!! Some day. 🙂